Monday, September 2, 2019

Essay --

The Rise of China as a superpower: Paper in MLA format The international political and economic environment of China is changing. â€Å"There is a significant difference between a country that takes 30 years to grow and one that takes 300 years† (Yang Xuedong). The big economic reforms from Deng Xiaoping and the opening of China to the world brought the country on the way to a superpower. Since the beginning of the 1980s the Chinese economy booms with an average growth rate of almost 10%, during the economies of the West have grown 1% to 3%. The gross national product has increased from 760 billion Yuan to 7200 Yuan which mean that it has ten folded over the last 25 years. How could China grow that much and can it still continue to grow? In the beginning of the 1950s China was a poor country with no industry or infrastructure and the country was destroyed and ruined by the civil war which the communists won. On October the 1st 1949 Mao Zedong called out the â€Å"People’s Republic of China† and started to build a communist state. In 1959 Mao called out â€Å"the Great leap forward†. Farmers should build infrastructure and they were mainly forced to advance the rural industrialization. The â€Å"Great leap† ended as a disaster and Mao almost lead China into ruin. Even later in the culture revolution of China (1966-76), a big evolution didn't happen. The opposite happened and millions of students got send to rural regions for hard manual work. Couples were separated and they children were taken away and they got forced to do hard work. After the death of Mao in the 1976, Deng Xiaoping, who accomplished the economic miracle, took over China. He reopened state courts and public schools. Pa rty leaders hoped that more lawyers would try giving peopl... ...eas are energy system, things in relation with political freedom or privatization of the economy etc. China is on a crossroad of different development opportunities. How China will look like in another 50 years we can't say but its best day are over. In conclusion, China has had an amazing run too power. It found the way out of poverty into wealth. The old agriculture ideas from Mao are and the bad working conditions for people are in the past. China got opened up to the world and is one of the most open countries now. The economic system is perfectly working the last 20 years and China could afford to build new and beautiful cities. Even when China is still a communist country, the power is by the people. We can't say if China is still able to grow or if it is highest point of power but we can say that China had had the best evolution the world has ever seen.

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