Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Managing Performance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Managing Performance - Essay Example Many managers have been â€Å"speaking† and practicing effective performance management naturally all their supervisory lives, but don’t know it!†(A Handbook for Measuring Employee Performance, 2001, p.3). Manpower is the only active element in an organization whereas all the other organizational resources are passive in nature. Since human has emotions, intelligence, and the ability to think, his activities will be primarily motivated or controlled by these individual characteristics. No two individuals are alike and therefore a manager will struggle to implement a uniform management style in an organization. In short, individual differences have to be taken into the account while managers devise their strategies for managing employees. In other words, managing individual performance is a complex task. This paper analyses why the management of individual performance in an organization is a complex issue. Team work is encouraged in majority of the current organizations because of the advantages of team work over individual work. However, it should be noted that individuals constitute a team and therefore individual characteristics can affect team work also. Majority of the decisions in a team is taken after a team meeting. Frisch (2008) mentioned that â€Å"reaching collective decisions based on individual preferences is an imperfect science† (Frisch, 2008). Team meetings usually give more importance to the majority’s opinion while taking decisions. It is not necessary that majority’s decisions may always be the right ones. Members of a team may have some common interests and they will vote for safeguarding their interest. It is not necessary that such interests may suit to the interests of the organization. For example, majority of the team members may show reluctance in working overtime for the completion of a project. If the team leader accepts the majorityâ⠂¬â„¢s opinion, the completion of the project could be delayed. Majority’s opinion

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