Wednesday, October 30, 2019

How The Blood Diamond War Has Affected International Trade & Business Term Paper

How The Blood Diamond War Has Affected International Trade & Business - Term Paper Example t intervention in 2003 by the international diamond producers under the auspices of the United Nations, created several unforeseen negative externalities for African countries that have become dependent upon revenues from diamond production to support their domestic programs. The paper concludes that the Kimberley Accord process has not been effective in preventing the production and distribution of blood diamonds. In fact, it has spawned an entirely new illicit diamond distribution network through countries such as Lebanon, Guinea and Venezuela. The author posits that the civil wars funded through the sale of blood diamonds will continue in Africa. Conflict between rival factions has been a part of the continent’s culture for centuries. First it was ivory that was sold on the black markets of Europe and North Africa. Then wars over the gold deposits in South Africa killed thousands of innocent people. Today, the culprit is blood diamonds. Unfortunately, the political and economic realities of the region dictate that the future will mirror the activities and events of the past. The name â€Å"blood diamonds† is derived from the fact that these diamonds are mined and sold by rebel armies, terrorist groups and local warlords to fund their purchase of weapons. These insurgent groups then use the weapons to attack government forces or individuals loyal to the government. Blood diamond revenues (also called conflict diamonds) have grown significantly since the early 1990s. Examples of conflicts funded through this revenue source include wars in Sierra Leone, Angola, Cote d’Ivoire and Democratic Republic of Congo. The blood diamond trade and the human rights atrocities associated with it, received international attention through the 2006 film â€Å"Blood Diamond† starring Leonardo diCaprio. The movie created such a public outcry, that De Beers and The World Diamond Council were forced to respond with a public relations campaign that claimed that ninety-nine

Monday, October 28, 2019

Program, curriculum development and instructional strategies Essay Example for Free

Program, curriculum development and instructional strategies Essay I. Programs Bridges Learning System: This program uses five step processes involving submit, evaluate, outline, extend, success to develop the students aptitudes and talents that are very important in the classroom through evaluating test results and constructing a profile each student skills and abilities. By then, students’ necessities are known and a particular program will be developed for its learning exercises needs (Brock, 2003). Cognitively-Guided Instruction (CGI): This model is a product of research of students thinking that teachers able to restructure their knowledge and understanding to what the students need. This done through direct-modeling actions, reasoning to the problem, and moving to other strategies that are needed for the improvement of the students (Carpenter, 2003). Four Blocks Literacy: The four blocks represents four different approaches to directed comprehension, self-selected comprehension, inscription and working with terms. Through this students don’t just learn, at the same time they provided with the needed instruction according to the personality of the student. These blocks are multi-level depending on the performance and needs of the student (Cunningham, 1989). Spalding Method: This method is a total language arts approach in spelling, writing, listening and reading comprehensions. This approach is very effective to both regular and special education (Christie, 2000). II. Curriculum Development and Instructional Strategies. Cooperative Learning: Through optimistic interdependence, driven interaction, and personal responsibility, mutual efforts could be a useful tool to promote the groups’ objectives and success rather than viable and personal efforts (Stefl-Mabry Powers, 2005). Direct Instruction: Learning is hastened up through comprehensive presentations, ruling out misconceptions, and assisting generalizations. Students are properly monitored to evaluate the performance, periodically assessed for perceptions and immediately corrected for their errors (Oregon, 2003). Mastery Learning: Learning is centered on the methods of mastering rather than the content but it works best with the conventional substance-centered curriculum through distinct objectives and varieties of instructional techniques and suitable series of results (University, 2004). Modeling Instruction: This method of instruction is done through creating scientific models and providing primary theoretical apparatus for modeling intended to appreciate the physical world and to familiarize and develop the students’ insights on how scientific knowledge fits with the real world (Wells Hestenes, 2003). These programs, curriculum and instructional instructions are developed and evaluated by Arizona K-12 Center’s Technical Review Council and found to be effective in meeting the instructional and educational needs of diverse student population. References Brock, B. (2003). Bridges Learning Systems ® [Electronic Version]. Retrieved October 6, 2007 from http://azk12. nau. edu/bestpractices/recognizedprograms/. Carpenter, T. (2003). Cognitively Guided Instruction (CGI) [Electronic Version]. Retrieved October 6, 2007 from http://azk12. Christie, B. (2000). Topic teamwork: A collaborative integrative model for increasing student-centered learning in grades K-12. Journal of Physical Education, Recreation Dance, 71(8), 28-32. Cunningham, P. (1989). Four Blocks Literacy [Electronic Version]. Retrieved October 6, 2007 from http://azk12. nau. edu/bestpractices/recognizedprograms/. Oregon, E. (2003). Direct Instruction [Electronic Version]. Retrieved October 6, 2007 from http://azk12. nau. edu/bestpractices/recognizedprograms/. Stefl-Mabry, J. , Powers, J. G. (2005). Collaborative, Problem-Based Learning: University and K-12 Partnerships. Knowledge Quest. ProQuest Education Journals, 33(4), 14-16. University, N. A. (2004). Instructional Strategies and Commercial Programs [Electronic Version]. Retrieved October 6, 2007 from http://azk12. nau. edu/bestpractices/recognizedprograms/. Wells, M. , Hestenes, M. (2003). Modeling Instruction [Electronic Version]. Retrieved October 6, 2007 from http://azk12. nau. edu/bestpractices/recognizedprograms/.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Five Equations That Changed The World :: science

Five Equations That Changed The World â€Å"He [Isaac Newton] sought out secluded areas, where he would sit for hours at a time, not so much to observe the natural world as to immerse himself in it† Sir Isaac Newton was a man who would keep to himself. If not for that quality he may not have made the discoveries that he did. He would often sit in the garden for hours on end just thinking and formulating his ideas about the universe. In fact, that is the very place where the ideas of gravity and centrifugal force first came to him. He noticed an apple fall, and wondered why the apple fell to the earth but the moon didn’t. His discoveries about gravity led to his equation â€Å"E = G x M x m x d^2†, which means â€Å"the force of gravity is equal to the gravitational constant multiplied by the two masses involved divided by the square of the distance between them. This equation told scientists in NASA how to escape gravity and leave the earth to go to the moon. â€Å"In other words, there appeared to be a trade-off between pressure and speed: The smaller the speed, the greater the pressure, or the greater the speed, the smaller the pressure† This is a great discovery of Bernoulli. It seems to make sense when we apply it to blood vessels. Where the blood moves faster, the more it pushes forward, the less it pushes on the walls. A later more ingenious application for this idea is flying. The airplane was invented after Bernoulli but not due to him. The airplane and Bernoulli’s equation â€Å"P + p x  ½v^2 = CONSTANT†, were not connected until a Russian scientist by the name of Nikolai Zhukovsky made an excellent observation. He noticed that the tops of the wings of the plane were rounded. When he tested a plane in a wind tunnel, he noticed that the wings created two jet streams, an upper and a lower. The upper jet stream was narrower than the lower. Air is considered a fluid, so therefore the jet stream can be viewed as a river. According to Leonardo DA Vinci’s â€Å"Law of Continuity†, which says â€Å"A river of uniform depth will have a more rapid flow at the narrower section than at the wider†, the upper jet stream is faster than the lower. This is an amazing discovery on Zhukovsky; he had discovered how airplanes flew.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Annotated Bibliography for the Relations between Social Media and Corporations Essay

This article is inclined towards the influence and importance of social media as a strategic tool for communication for public and private owned corporations across the globe. Nevertheless, irrespective of the varied benefits that social media use, organizations still find it difficult to utilize its benefits because of some factors within organizations and how the operations of the said operations are carried out. This article reflects on a study that is keen on pointing out these conflicting factors within organizations and offering recommendations on how they can be remedied so that organizations can maximize on the use of social media as a communication tool efficiently. Davenport, Shaun W.; Bergman, M. Shawn, Bergman, Z. Jacqueline & Fearrington, E. Matthew: Twitter Versus Facebook: Exploring the role of narcissism in the motives and usage of different social media platforms. Computers in Human Behaviour: 32-(2014) 212-220. This article reflects on the research on the relationship between social networking sites (SNS) and narcissism through the lens of clear cut hypothesis analysis that is specific on only integral aspects of such research. In this case, Twitter and Facebook were accessed as the primary social networking sites with an inferred focus on their content generation as opposed to the commonly researched consumption of its content; this was in return related to as the precursor between narcissism and SNS usage. Motives for narcissism in both Facebook and Twitter were found to be varied considering that both SNS’s had different components for communication. Fischer, Eileen; Reuber, A. Rebecca; Online entrepreneurial communication: Mitigating uncertainty and increasing differentiation via Twitter Journal of Business Venturing -Vol: 29 (2014) 565-583 Fischer and Reuber sought to answer the question of whether or not online communication streams have any influence on human beings uncertainty reduction or enhancement of their differentiation. Through comparisons of data from eight firms that utilize Twitter as their organizational growth tool, qualitative methods were adopted to help in answering of this question. In essence and after assessment of these data, it is evident that firms that have an existent multidimensional stream of communication are more likely to influence the perceptions of the public about them. Leyland F. Pitt, Michael Parent, Peter G. Steyn, Pierre Berthon, and Arthur Money; The Social Media Release as a Corporate Communication Tool for Bloggers: IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication, Vol. 54, No. 2, June 2011 122-133. In this article, the study focuses on the influence social media release as a new communication tool influence on bloggers. An estimated 332 bloggers are used as respondents who respond on the influences of social media releases on their personal decisions of writing about a particular topic. From the study findings it is evident that bloggers thoughts is not only influenced by the use of SMR’s but also their decisions and thus fostering the ideal that SMR use has massive implications on communications of corporations. Wood, Lisa: Brands and brand equity: Definition and management; Management Decision Vol 38 No. 2 (2000) 662-669 Lisa Wood pens down an excellent piece suggesting the need for brand management as assets of organizations which can only be achieved through creating relationships between brand loyalty and value and linking the same to the accounting system of an organization. The article mainly circumvents around the issue of brand management as a tool of effective communication of a organizations equity. References Davenport, Shaun W.; Bergman, M. Shawn, Bergman, Z. Jacqueline & Fearrington, E. Matthew: Twitter Versus Facebook: Exploring the role of narcissism in the motives and usage of different social media platforms. Computers in Human Behaviour: 32-(2014) 212-220. Fischer, Eileen; Reuber, A. Rebecca; Online entrepreneurial communication: Mitigating uncertainty and increasing differentiation via Twitter Journal of Business Venturing -Vol: 29 (2014) 565-583 Leyland F. Pitt, Michael Parent, Peter G. Steyn, Pierre Berthon, and Arthur Money; The Social Media Release as a Corporate Communication Tool for Bloggers: IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication, Vol. 54, No. 2, June 2011 122-133. Macnamara, Jim; Zerfass, Ansgar: Social Media Communication in Organizations: The Challenges of Balancing Openness, Strategy, and Management: International Journal of Strategic Communication Vol. 6:No. 4, 287-308 Wood, Lisa: Brands and brand equity: Definition and management; Management Decision Vol 38 No. 2 (2000) 662-669 Source document

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

The Effect of Macro Economic Policy on Nigerian Economics Growth and Development

This research work focus on the appraisal of Macroeconomic Policy on Inflation in Nigerian Economy, also to determine how it enhances the growth of Nigerian Economy. The aim of this research work is to look into challenges and numbers of hypothesis were drawn. Information necessary to address the test of hypothesis was gathered through secondary data, source from Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN). Economic analysis was used to formulate the three (3) models that were stated in this research work.Multiple regressions were also used to test the appraisal of Macroeconomic Policy on Inflation in Nigerian Economy. The findings of this research show that macro-economic policy as a tool for Economic Policy and Growth as a Positive Effect on the Growth in Nigeria. In conclusion, government should ensure that operational problems are tackled prior to sale so that there would not be any barrier hindering the high degree of efficiency that is associated with the stability of the Nigerian economy.Ov er the years, Nigeria has made conscious and determined efforts to attain a high level of social and economic transformation of the economy in order to attain the development goals and including monetary policy, fiscal, policy, exchange control measures and income and price control. The measures adopted were changed from time to time to reflect the changing economic environment and circumstances. This work focuses on two of the policies adopted (monetary and fiscal policy) and examines their uses for economic growth and stability in Nigeria.Since the main burden of aggregate economic policy must fall on either monetary policy and fiscal policy or a combination of both. The question arises as to whether to clear cut distinction can be made between policies which are termed â€Å"MONETARY† are those which are to be called â€Å"FISCAL† The truth is that considerable ambiguity about these terms exist and this often leads to useless debate and confusion. However, monetary policy can be as a measure which deals with the discretionary control of money supply by the monetary authorities with a view of achieving stated economic objectives.In other words, it employs the use of variation in the money supply to achieve economic objectives. Fiscal policy on the other hand may be defined as the policy pursued by a government to influenced economics activities in economy by changing the size and content of taxation, expenditure and public debt with a view to achieving given objective. Although, there two policies are independent tools of economics stabilization, they are often combined by most countries for a greater effect on the economy. Monetary and Fiscal policies as adopted in Nigeria have four broad objectives.The objectives include: ¬ †¢Maintenance of relative stability in domestic price †¢Attainment of a high and sustainable rate of economic development †¢Maintenance of balance of payment equilibrium growth and stability are so closely related that the economic policy o the government should include both of them. Economic growth may be judges from the growth it total output of the economy as measured by annual increases in net national prod, ct in constant price. Such a measure tells us how much bigger the total economy is becoming over a period of time, but it tells nothing about changes in the standard of living of the people in the economy.The more significant measures in the growth in real net national product divided by the number of people in the population. There are many targets of economic growth and development. They include. †¢Income distribution Gross national product Sectoral development (such as agriculture industries etc) †¢The pressure to attain economic stability or our economic is so strong that measures to promote federal government t fidget. †¢To achieve the maximum practicable rate of growth, d is necessary to have stability. This does not mean a perfectly smooth rate of growth , but one that is not interrupted by recessions and depression. Stabilization policies that are usually released annually concerns attempts to stabilize the level of national income by ensuring that serious inflationary and deflationary gaps do not persist so that something close to full employment without rapid inflation can be achieved. The government uses the instruments of monetary and fiscal policies to influence economic growth and development. The instrument of monetary policy available to the Nigeria monetary authorities include: †¢Rediscount rate †¢Interest rate structure †¢Reserve requirement †¢Direct credit control †¢Exchange rate and †¢Moral suasionSome of the Fiscal policies relating to economy a growth and stability in Nigeria include: tax incentives (capital allowance, income tax relief, reconstruction tax exemption etc. relief from import duties, tariffs measures and budgetary measures. The government uses the instruments in achieving ec onomic growth and stability. 1. 2STATEMENT OF PROBLEM This study is basically aimed at -Has there been effort to study the monetary and fiscal policies used by the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) in achieving economic growth and stability. -The ability to access the effectiveness of monetary and fiscal policies. Has there been recommendation to correct observed mistake by (CBN). If done, this will enable the monetary authorities to make optimal use of various monetary and fiscal tools at their disposal for rapid economic growth and stability. 1. 3AIM AND OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY The general aim of this study is to examine the real problem of macroeconomic policy in Nigeria and propose some stabilization policies. While specific objectives are: 1. To study the monetary and fiscal policies; used by the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) in achieving economic growth and stability. 2.To asses the effectiveness of monetary and fiscal policies 3. To make recommendation to correct observed mistake by the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) this will enable the monetary authorities to make optimal use of the various monetary and fiscal tool at their disposal for rapid economic growth and stability. 1. 4RESEARCH QUESTION Can monetary and fiscal policy be used as a tool to achieve economic growth? Could monetary and fiscal policy assess the effectiveness of monetary and credit policies? Does the policies of the Central Bank useful to achieve rapid economic growth and stability? 1. 5THE STATEMENT OF HYPOTHESISHYPOTHESIS 1 Ho-The monetary and fiscal policy, does not achieve economic growth and stability. HA-The monetary and fiscal policy achieve economic growth and stability. HYPOTHESIS 2 Ho-The effectiveness of monetary and credit policies could not be assess using the monetary an I fiscal policy. HA-The assess of effectiveness of monetary and credit policies will attain using monetary and fiscal policy. HYPOTHESIS 3. Ho-The observed mistake corrected by CBN could not be use to attain economic growth and stat lily. HA-Will correct the CBN from observed mistake so as to achieve rapid economic growth and stability. 1. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY The research work will make use of secondary data obtained from various institution and publication. The data will be obtained from Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) Federal Office of Statistics (FOS), various publications from local and inter rational journal. The research work would be tested using regression analysis especially ordinary last square method will be used in construction the model. 1. 7 SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY It is hope that this research work will be practically and theoretical significant to the household, firm and government and for the improvement of the whole economy.There is no doubt that this study will benefit quit a number of people especially units involved. 1. 8 THE SCOPE AND LIMITATION OF STUDY This study macro economic tools measure under the period of Structural Adjustment Programme (SAP) and mid seve nty's (70's) (1978-2006) also in examining our effective and efficient the macro economic tools measures have change in the economy s nee 1970's only the activities of commercial, merchant, special banks and central bank will be used. This will be done through looking into the financial indicators in the economy. -The number of banks in operation Money stock in the economy Growth of credit allocation Banks loan and advances Growth of bank loans and advances Average interest rate (%) A detail of this is in the date analysis which should be treated in further study. Most of the information and data used was collected mostly from Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) through their annual reports bulleting and statement of account. This study shall be carried out exclusively in relation to the Nigeria economy. This study as comprehensive as possible except for some constraints encountered during the course of study.There was a problem of time limit for the completion of the work. The regroup an d hectic academic programmes which coincides with exams and period of the study or research was impediment. Inadequacy of data was also major constraint other limitations of the study are time period under study and lack of current year data. 1. 9ORGANISATION OF THE STUDY The project is structured into five chapters: Chapter One dealt with the introduction which includes brief description of Nigerian Economy, Area of merger in the economy, Relevant and Significance of the study, Definition of terms, Scope and Limitations.Chapter Two is mainly the Literature Review and Theoretical Frame Work of the study, the meaning and definition of Merger, motives of Merger and Acquisition, Merger game and the effect on the economy. Chapter Three based on the research method this include method of data collection, hypothesis to be tested and the statistical tools that are to be used. Chapter Four dealt with the research methodology, data preparation and analysis. Chapter Five is the Summary, Recom mendation and Conclusion of the research study. 1. 10DEFINITION OF TERMS 1.Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN): As he only financial institution established and charged with the day of day management and control of the nation's monetary affairs, the supervision and co-ordination of banking and financial activities of the cc entry. 2. Monetary Policy: Can be described as measures that deal with the discretionary control of money supply try monetary authorities with a view to achieving stated economic objective. 3. Fiscal Policy: Can be desirable as the policy pursued by the government to influence economic activities in an economy. . IS CURVE: This is the locus of point r to of combinations of various level of rate interest (r) and the level of income (Y) that yields equilibrium in this product market. 5. LM CURVE: This is the locus of various combination of interest rates and level of income that brigs about equilibrium. CHAPTER TWO LITERATURE REVIEW 2. 1MEANING AND OBJECTIVE OF FISCAL AN D MONETARY POLICIES Generally, fiscal policy is one of the many policies that are use by the government to influence economic activity of a country at a particular period.This policy involves the control of taxes and government expenditure. It is often called â€Å"power of the purse† instrument and it is design to effectuate changes in output and employment level to the desired standard especially in mixed and free market economies. Aigbokhan (1995) in his book defines fiscal policy as the use of government spending to influence economic outcome through taxation and expenditure or various forms of expenditure so government is directly spending.Fiscal policy like other government policies derives it meaning and direction from the goals and aspirations of the society within which it operate and the people whom it serves pursuits of the goals and aspirations in turn involves the acceptance of the following objective of the and budgetary policy. †¢To make available for econ omic development of the maximum flow with human and material resources consisting with minimum current consumption requirement. †¢To maintain reasonable economic stability in the face of long run inflationary pressure and short term international price movements. To reduce where they exist, the extreme inequalities in which income and consumption standard. Fiscal policy plays an important role in less developed countries (LDCS) because the less per capital income and which lead to government controlling the economic activities because of the condition of the economy. Baunsgaard (2004) observes that fiscal policy in oil producing countries can be profoundly affected by oil revenue uncertainties and volatility. Policy formulation should factor in the exhaustibility of the natural resources and aim at reducing oil revenue volatility passed to the economy.Past fiscal policy in Nigeria has not been successful in this regard. Since both revenue and expenditure have been highly volati le to a large extent reflecting oil price level. On the other hand monetary policy refers to the combination of measure design to regulate the values, supply and cost of money in an economy in consonance with the level of economic activity. Enoma (2002) in his book pin point's monetary policy at controlling supply of money so as to counteract all undesirable trends in an economy may include disequilibrium in the balance of payment.In the same view, Soludo (2005) define â€Å"monetary policy action as any careful or conscious action undertaken by the monetary authority to change the quality, the availability and the cost of money in an economy to achieve a set objective†. There is a consensus of opinion that monetary policy is a policy which aims at influencing economic activities by variation in the supply of money availability of credit and/or in interest rate. In the formulation of monetary policy therefore some attention has to be given to the attainment of these major goa ls of macro economic policy. -Maintenance of high rate employment Maintenance of relative stability in prices -Achievement of high and sustainable rate of economic development -Maintenance of balance of payment equilibriumIn sum, the paramount of embrace objectives of monetary policy could be said to be stable economic growth. However as the foregoing discussions makes clear, the major role of monetary policy in making domestic and external sector stability and thereby creating the macro economics conditions for long term growth. The techniques (tools) by which the monetary authorities tries to achieve the above objective can be classifies broadly into two main categories. a)The direct or portfolio control approach (b)The indirect or market intervention Under a system of direct monetary control, the monetary authority uses some criteria to determine monetary and credit targets and interest rate which are intermediate target to attempt to achieve that ultimate objective of policy. On the other hand, the indirect monetary controls due to the intermediate variables, particularly the market is left to determine investment and credit allocation. It is the attempt to manipulate these policy tools that essentially constitute conscious effort on the part of the authority to regulate the national economy.These tools are as follows:  ¬ (a)Open market operation (b)Cash reserve requirement (c)Liquidity ratios (d)Stabilization securities (e)Discount window operation (f)Moral suasion OPEN MARKET OPERATION (OMO):- it involves discretionary power of the central bank to purchase or sell securities in the financial market in order to; influence the volume of liquidity and levels of interest rate which ultimately will affect money supply. When central bank purchases instruments, it infects money into the economy and bank ability to expand, credit is enhanced and vice versa.CASH RESERVE REQUIREMENT: – Cash reserve requirement are used to complement the operations of OMO. They are fixed as a proportion of bank deposits liabilities require to be deposited with the central bank. They are particularly effective for sterilizing excess liquidity in the banking system and also can be easily monitored on a day basis because they are held by the central bank. LIQUIDITY RATIOS: – liquidity ratios are computed as a proportion of commercial and merchant banks current liabilities such as deposit liabilities, short term inter bank town net balance with foreign branches, and bank free balance with the central bank.Government debts instrument with a maturity of less than eighteen months. Liquidity ratio is used to complement OMO and it is potentially strong tool for restraining credit expansion. STABILIZATION SECURITIES: – Although the use of stabilization securities as an instrument of monetary policy is been de-emphasized essentially because policy has gradually shifted towards indirect control. This instrument of monetary control has been found to be inconsistent with the general philosophy of guided deregulation, although in the past, it had been very supportive of monetary policy.DISCOUNT WINDOW OPERATIONS:- The main goal of discount window operation is to provide collateralized overnight accommodation to discount house as well as banks that could not obtain funds on reasonable terms of discount and/or in the inter bank market. MORAL SUASION: – This is regarded as a special appeal to banks by central banks. It plays useful role in monetary management as a supplementary tool. It enables close and constant interaction between market operations and central bank such interactions promotes understanding and engender mutual confidence between the central bank and the players in the country's financial market. 2. ISSUES IN FISCAL AND MONETARY POLICIES In Nigeria monetary and fiscal policies have been implemented with the aim of achieving sustained economic growth, price stability and balance of payment viability. Utomi (20 05) expresses his own view on monetary control following the Soludo solution on the use of effective monetary policy in 2006 by arguing that monetary restraints reduces the availability of credit and increases its interest cost, it was retarding the flow of expenditures, output and employment and incomes. While monetary case makes credit more available and reduces its interest cost and thus encourages an expansion in these flow.However, a change in monetary policy may take the form of positive actions such as open market sales, increase in required reserve ratios or increase in discount rates which a policy of monetary ease to stimulate the expansion of expenditure will operate through the same process as are restrictive policy but in the reserved direction, such an expansive policy still tend to increase returns on treasury security to improve liquidity of banks to enhance wealth position of all holders of financial assets and to increase money supply.Soludo (2006) in an interview titled my vision for Nigerian banks recognize the expectation of the economy, Soludo said, â€Å"Money capital market should be expanded with the level that is consistent with the economy. To achieve this there should be a refocus more on the monetary function, if it possible to outsource the supervisions of banks†. Duesenberry (1964) argues that some people would like to rely or monetary policy as the primary instrument for controlling aggregate demand.In fact, some would like to see policy decision which influence demand taken out of the political arena while others would like to find a way to disconnect decisions about taxes and expenditures from the issues of employment and inflation. He further explained that fiscal and monetary policies in terms of an annually balanced budget or at least a balanced budget at a full employment level of income would then be possible. This is base on the fact that, monetary policy of a country is directed towards maintaining the right amou nt of money i. . amount of money which will enable stable prices to be maintained and full employment to be shared without introducing balance of payment problems into the economy. Besides, some critics have attached the assumptions of flexibility in monetary policies. They recognized that it takes much less time to put monetary policy into operation than it does in fiscal policy. They propose that it takes longer for monetary measures to take hold, while fiscal policy on the other hand has a direct and powerful impact upon the income stream.Contrarily, monetary policy's first impact is on the asset structure and only through its effect on this structure does it indirectly and with some days affect the income stream, thus heavy use of monetary policy lead to instability in financial markets, while the resulting fluctuations in security or bonds prices may run over it, a general fluctuation in monetary activity Siegel (1965). In addition, monetary policy is more effective in checking off boom condition than in generating recovering from recession condition.If commercial banks reserves are under pressure from market serving operation coupled with a high discount rate and if investment is also largely financed by extension of bank credit, then further construction action by the Federal Reserve will cut deeply into the expenditure circuit and slow down or stop the expansion of the economy. Monetary policy appears to be of limited effectiveness in promoting the high level of employment and high growth rate objective but the economic growth can be best approached through the use of fiscal policy.In fact these few object are naturally re-enforcing rapid economic growth requires a high level of employment and full employment encourages the introduction of labour saving capital goods. Thus fiscal policy contributes directly to both employment and economic growth by increasing gross expenditure to maintain gross domestic product aggregate output level, Baunsgarrd (2004) . He further emphasize that fiscal policy in oil producing countries can be profoundly affected by oil revenue uncertainty and volatility, policy formulation should factor in the xhaustibility of the natural resources and aim at reducing oil revenue volatility passed to the economy. However he painted out that past fiscal policy in Nigeria has not been successful in this regard since both revenue and expenditure have been highly volatile to a large extent reflecting oil prices level. Furthermore, Aigbokhan (1995) argues that in showing the relative effectiveness of monetary and fiscal policy, there is an issue which has engaged the attention of economist for decades that of the relative effectiveness of pure monetary policy and pure fiscal policy in influencing economic activities.Pure monetary policy refers to the change in nominal money supply leaving government or taxes unchanged while pure fiscal policy is one which there are changes in government expenditure or taxes leaving no minal monetary supply unchanged. 2. 3KEYNES DEBATE ON MONETARY AND FISCAL POLICIES Keynes versus monetarist debate gives conflicting advice to government on the role and effectiveness of monetary policy.The Keynesian argue that the interest rate is the most important variable as a tool for the monetary authorities to control the economy, so they argue that monetary policy should be subsidiary to fiscal policy on the other hand, the monetarist argues that a steady growth in the money supply is the best policy to follow and that monetary policy's directed to control money supply is one paramount important. Milton Friedman believes that monetary policy cannot be use to achieve an unemployment which is lower than the natural rate of unemployment.While the Keynesian view argued that monetary policy should be directed at interest rate rather than money supply and that monetary policy should at all times be subsidiary to fiscal policy. The monetarist argued and recommended that control of money supply should be the major concern of the monetary authorities. The general instruments of activist policy are taxes, government spending and the money supply; activist policy can be classified as either monetary or fiscal policy.Keynes (1958) made changes in the long term rate of interest, the main instrument of monetary policy rather than changes in short term rates, he argued that the demand for working capital was insensitive to changes in short term interest rates but that the demand for fixed capital was responsive to changes in the long term rate of interest. Monetary policy is the deliberate control of the money supply and in some case, current condition for the purpose of achieving macro economic goals.Conversely, fiscal policy is the deliberate control of federal government spending and taxes structure and the determination of the volume of tax revenue such explicit purpose of attaining one or more specific objective such as full employment. The income and expenditur e models pioneered by Keynes, view the role of money much differently from the classical quantity theory. He also viewed the link between money supply and desired aggregate expenditure in a different light. He rejected the two classical notions of fixed velocity and full employment.In the Keynes model, monetary policy affects output indirectly through interest rate. Keynes defined fiscal policy as the deliberate use of government spending and taxes to achieve macro economic goal. Although, the federal government account for 44 percent of total (federal, state and local) government revenue and for 39 percent of total government expenditure fiscal policy is conducted through federal budget. In the Keynesian model, the link between increase in government spending and aggregated expenditure is vary directly.Keynes believes that during the 1980s, the world capitalist economies indeed reach equilibrium position but high level of unemployment made this position socially unacceptable. His f iscal policy is based on the premises that demand should be manipulated to ensure that the economy achieves an equilibrium level of income and output which is socially desirable. Although, Keynes rule out other possible sources for increase spending, leaving only government intervention as a dependable solutions to the problem. 2. THE IMPACT OF MONETARY AND FISCAL POLICIES ON THE NIGERIAN ECONOMY The public demand for money balances to hold depends on the level of income and the interest rate of money substituted. The higher the income the public has, the larger will be the money balances is wishes to hold, other things been equal, the higher the interest rate on money substitutes the lower will be the money balances it wishes to hold because higher interest rate will induce people to transfer more of their assets out of money (which yield on interest into securities or other asset which do yield interest).Besides, Imala (2003) emphasizes on the impact of monetary restriction. He ar gued that when banks excess reserves are squeezed, the prices they charge on credit, that is the interest rate are raised, but the lower the level of investment as well as gross domestic product, while the product market decreases. He further agues that credit become higher as interest rate rise, investors and consumers tries to avoid the pinch by reducing their money balances to the barest minimum needed to carry on their transactions and meet precautionary needs.He further argued that rationing of credit reduces the availability of credit and a quick effect in limiting business expansion than they do on higher interest rate while banks sells off part of their government securities to loans and limited by the volumes of securities the bank already have and falling government bond prices in many banks try to sell at once in the capital market.However, a balanced budget seems appropriate when we are satisfied with the existing level of government autonomous expenditure roughly doing, the period of full employment without inflation (A balance budget policy is neutrals government policy that feeds back into the income stream just raise it withdrawal). In fact to avoid the deficit, the annual budget balance raise tax rate to get more money or reduces spending to match reduced tad receipt. If we therefore, believe that the government ought to be trying to expand total expenditure in credit to check the recession, the balance budget prescription to Nigeria economy is quite wrong.Similarly, inflation would generate a budget surplus calling for tax reduction and increase spending to avoid a budget surplus under an annually balance budget policy, this seems clearly than wrong prescription to stabilization purpose because it would speed the inflation ratio than cheating it in Nigeria economy. It should be well noted that the basic framework for stabilizing fiscal policy through government surpluses and deficit is simple and appealing if it is ascertained that the respon sibility of government is to provide economic stabilization for the nation.The larger the excess of government expenditure over tax receipt (the larger the deficit) the stronger will be the expansionary effect of government fiscal policy. Other things been equal conversely, the larger the excess of tax receipt over expenditure (the large the surpluses) the more deflationary governments fiscal policy. Some economist believes that when we want the government to exert strong expansionary pressure on national income a substantial government deficit is desirable. CHAPTER THREE THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK 3. THE THEORIES OF MONETARY AND FISCAL POLICIES Classical economist argues the importance of money as a determinant of aggregate demand. Their views on fiscal policy were less unanimous. During the great depression of the 1930s some of them recommended substantial increase in government spending as a way of increasing demand, output and employment others were quite skeptical about the effect o f fiscal policy. The evidence provides little comfort for extreme Keynesians who focus their attention on fiscal policy and dismiss monetary policy as a mirage and a delusion.And it provide little support to the rigid monetarist who see the quantity of money playing a predominant role in the determination of aggregate demand irrespective of what is happening to fiscal policy. We cannot count with any degree of certainty on the use of fiscal policy alone or monetary policy alone, there is a strong case to be made for using a combined strategy of monetary and fiscal expansions to combat recessions and a combined strategy of monetary and fiscal restraint to fight inflation.By not putting all our eggs in one basket, we may reduce the uncertainty we would face if we were to rely exclusively on either monetary policy or fiscal. Furthermore, there are other reasons for favouring a combination of monetary fiscal strategy. During a boom in aggregate demand, restrictive steps are desirable bu t restrictive actions are painful. When the government increases expenditure or cuts, taxes, deficit will rise thus money will be needed to cover this deficit and which can be borrowed in the financial market. This additional borrowing tends to push up the interest rate.A higher interest rate on the other hand causes a movement along the marginal efficiency of investment (MEI) curve, investment decreases. D D Source: B. O. Iganige Figure 1: The effect of crowding out: The monetarist view This is little question that some crowing out take place, the issue is how strong the investment demand is relatively unresponsive to interest rates and that not must crowding of investments take place. Consequently fiscal policy is a powerful tool for controlling aggregated demand (and monetary policy is weak).Monetarist on the other hand, generally believe that MEI curve is relatively flat as shown in figure 1 and that deficit spending by the government tends to crowd out a relatively large amount of private investment. In casting doubt on the effectiveness of fiscal policy, monetarists make one important qualification. If the government deficit on demand by issuing new fiscal policy will have a powerful effect on demand, but monetarist attribute this effect to a changes in the money stocks, not the government deficit itself. They see pure fiscal policy as having little influence on demand.Pure fiscal policy involves a change in government spending or tax rate unaccompanied by any change in the rate of growth of the money stock. 3. 2 THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN MONETARY AND FISCAL POLICIES THE IS-LM FRAMEWORK The economic environment that guided monetary policy before 1986 was characterized by the growing importance of the oil sector, the expanding role of the public sector in the economy and over dependence of the external sector. Hicks (1937) combined the classical and the Keynesian analyses to derive the IS-LM schedules.In a simple term the IS-LM framework refers to the locu s of all pairs of income and interest rates for which both the expenditure and monetary sectors are simultaneously in equilibrium. The IS-LM framework lays emphasis on the interaction between the output or expenditure market represented by the IS and money market represented by the LM. In this framework, spending interest rates and income are jointly determined by the equilibrium in both markets. Income Interest rate Fiscal PolicyMonetary Policy (LM) Source: B. O. Iganiga (macro economics concepts) Figure 2: The Structure of the IS-LMIn the framework, higher income raises money demand and thus link interest rate. Higher interest rate lower spending and thus income, thus the only factor that make the economy to move round is income and interest rate. However, simultaneous equilibrium in the expenditure market and money market exist at only one output level and one interest rate i. e. ye and re. At that point planned savings plus government expenditure and the stock of money in existe nce is equal to the stock of money demanded. The interest rate (r0) and income level (YO) represent the only point at which the two equilibria are satisfied simultaneously.Other interest rates and output levels represent disequilibrium in one or both markets. r0 r1 Source: B. O. Iganiga (Macro economics concepts, theories and application Figure 3 Equilibrium at IS-LM Intersection In figure 3, at interest r1 there is equilibrium in the money market at output Y1 but in the expenditure market at output Y2. Simultaneous equilibrium only exist only at point E0 with interest rate of (r0) and output of (Ye) summarily, figure 3 shows the relationship between money supply, government expenditure and interest rate.In order to maintain price stability and a wealthy balance of payment position, monetary management depend on the use of direct monetary instrument such as credit ceiling, selective credit controls, administered interest, exchange rate as well as the prescription of cash reserve req uirement and special deposits. The use of market based instrument was not feasible due to the under ¬developed nature of the financial market and the deliberate restraint on interest rates. The expenditure market (Is) illustrating the effect of interest rate alone in shifting the aggregate demand schedule.The position of the IS curve depends on the marginal efficacy of investment (MEI) curve. Shift in either or both will cause a shift is IS curve. Therefore example could be a shift in MEI due to technical progress. Net investment will increase at all level of interest rate. Changes in government expenditure or taxation could bring about a change in this schedule. 3. 3MATHEMATICAL AND GRAPHICAL DERIVATION OF IS-LM SCHEDULE Mathematical Derivation For Is Curve Y= C+ I —————————————— (1) C= Co + CY———————————â⠂¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€ (2) I= I0-Ir —————————————— (3)Y= Co + CY+ Io-Ir ——————————- (4) (Y-CY)= Co + Io-Ir —————————— (5) Y (1-C) = Co+ Io-Ir—————————— (6) Co + Io-Ir Y= 1-C —————————– (7) -IS Curve Income is negatively related to interest rate. r I S 0Y Source: I. A. O. BAKARE (Fundamentals and Practice of Macroeconomics) (LM) Figure 4: IS CURVE When government spending and taxes are introduced, the following relation holds. Y= C0 +C(Y –T + R) + I0 + I(Y, r) + Go—————- (1) Where T= Taxes and Go = Autonomous government spending The slope of the IS curve is given as dr = 1-cy (1-T y) -1y

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

GED Study Guide for Chemistry

GED Study Guide for Chemistry The GED, or General Education Development Test, is taken in the U.S. or Canada to demonstrate proficiency in high school-level academic skills. The exam most commonly is taken by people who did not complete high school or receive a high school diploma. Passing the GED grants a General Equivalency Diploma (also called a GED). One section of the GED covers science, including chemistry. The test is multiple choice, drawing on concepts from the following areas: The Structure of MatterThe Chemistry of LifeProperties of MatterChemical Reactions The Structure of Matter All substances consist of  matter.  Matter  is anything which has mass and takes up space. Some important concepts to remember about  matter  are: Matter  is made up of one or more of over 92 naturally-occurring  elements.Each  element  is a pure substance, made up of only one type of  atom.An  atom  consists of three types of particles:  protons,  neutrons, and  electrons. An atom does not need to have all three particles, but will always contain at least protons.Electrons  are  negatively charged  particles,  protons  have a positive charge, and  neutrons  do not have an electrical charge.An atom has an inner core called a  nucleus, which is where the protons and neutrons are located. The electrons orbit around the outside of the nucleus.Two main forces hold atoms together. The  electric force  holds the electrons in orbit around the nucleus. Opposite charges attract, so the electrons are drawn to the protons in the nucleus. The  nuclear force  holds the protons and neutrons together within the nucleus. The Periodic Table The  periodic table  is a chart which organizes the chemical elements. The elements are categorized according to the following attributes: Atomic Number  - number of protons in the nucleusAtomic Mass  - sum of the number of protons plus neutrons in the nucleusGroup  - columns or multiple columns in the periodic table. Elements in a group share similar chemical and physical properties.Period  - rows from left to right in the period table. Elements in a period have the same number of energy shells. Matter can exist in the form of a pure element, but combinations of elements are more common. Molecule  - a molecule is a combination of two or more atoms (could be  from  the same or different elements, such as H2  or H2O)Compound  - a compound is a combination of two or more  chemically-bonded  elements. Generally, compounds are considered to be a subclass of molecules (some people will argue they are determined by the types of chemical bonds). A  chemical formula  is a shorthand way of showing the elements contained in a molecule/compound and their ratio. For example, H2O, the chemical formula for water, shows that two atoms of hydrogen combine with one atom of oxygen to form a molecule of water. Chemical bonds hold atoms together. Ionic Bond  - formed when  an electron transfers  from one atom to anotherCovalent Bond  - formed when two atoms share one or more electrons The Chemistry of Life Life on earth depends on the chemical element  carbon, which is present in every living thing. Carbon is so important, it forms the basis for two branches of chemistry, organic  chemistry  and biochemistry. The GED will expect you to be familiar with the following terms: Hydrocarbons  - molecules that only contain the elements carbon and hydrogen (e.g., CH4  is a hydrocarbon while CO2  is not)Organic  - refers to the chemistry of living things, all of which contain the element carbonOrganic Chemistry  - study of the chemistry of carbon compounds involved in life (so, studying diamond, which is a crystalline form of carbon, isnt included in organic chemistry, but studying how methane is produced is covered by organic chemistry)Organic Molecules  - molecules that have carbon atoms linked together in a straight line (carbon chain) or in a circular ring (carbon ring)Polymer  - hydrocarbons which have chained together Properties of Matter Phases of Matter Each phase of matter has its own chemical and physical properties. The phases of matter you need to know are: Solid  - a solid has a definite shape and volumeLiquid  - a liquid has a definite  volume  but can change shapeGas  - the shape and volume of a gas can change Phase Changes These phases of matter can change from one to another. Remember the definitions of the following phase changes: Melting  - melting occurs when a substance changes from a solid to a liquidBoiling  - boiling is when a substance changes from a liquid to a gasCondensing  - condensation is when  a gas changes  to a liquidFreezing  - freezing is when  a liquid changes  to a solid Physical Chemical Changes The changes that take place in substances may be categorized  in  two classes: Physical Change  - does not produce a new substance (e.g., phase changes, crushing a can)Chemical Change  - produces a new substance (e.g., burning, rusting, photosynthesis) Solutions A solution results from combining two or more substances. Making a solution can produce either a physical or chemical change. You can tell them apart this way: The original substances can be separated from one another if the solution produces only a physical change.The original substances cannot be separated from one another if a chemical change took place. Chemical Reactions A  chemical reaction  is  the process  that occurs when two or more substances combine to produce a chemical change. The important terms to remember are: chemical equation  -  name  was given  to the shorthand used to describe the steps of a chemical reactionreactants  - the starting materials for a chemical reaction; the substances that combine in the reactionproducts  - the substances that are formed as a result of a chemical reactionchemical reaction rate  - the speed at which a chemical reaction occursactivation energy  - the external energy that has to be added in order for a chemical reaction to  occurcatalyst  - a substance that helps a chemical reaction to occur (lowers the activation energy), but does not participate in the reaction itselfLaw of Conservation of Mass  - this Law states that matter is neither created nor destroyed in a chemical reaction. The number of reactant atoms of a chemical reaction will be the same as the number of product atoms.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Comparison of Yellow Wallpaper and Where Are You Going Essay Example

Comparison of Yellow Wallpaper and Where Are You Going Essay Example Comparison of Yellow Wallpaper and Where Are You Going Essay Comparison of Yellow Wallpaper and Where Are You Going Essay Essay Topic: The Yellow Wallpaper Sailings character escaped through insanity while Chopping died of a joy that 245). Elses main character escaped behind the faded of being a happy housewife, she conformed to what life had dealt her. She also found her escape with her new husband. The mothers own needs to escape, to enjoy the outside world again with her husband (Gloss). Sailings character summed it up est. in when she states, Ive got out at last, said l, in spite of you and Jane (Gillian 419). In their own way, they beat society and the people that oppressed them. All the women triumphed somewhat in their quest to freedom, Chopping character dying of heart problems, Sailings character creeping over her husband and Elses character surviving the rearing of her child in a hard economical time. All three stones Involve a comfort zone of a sort; In Sailings her comfort zone became the yellow wallpaper, In Chopping It was the room and In Elses It was the Ironing. They could do their thinking while In their zone and no one could control heir thoughts then. Sailings character was so fascinated with the yellow wallpaper that she started hallucinating, seeing things that were not the Comparison of Yellow Wallpaper and Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been? By anamorphic ant figures; for the reasons she had to make the decisions she did and in Sailings Ironing, the constraints of oppression were alive in her thoughts. Elses faded was being a housewife, she would have rather had other choices in her life and wanted more for her daughter as is told by the last quote in the story: In summary, all three women had no choice in their lives or they chose not to have a pop and do stay within society boundaries of the feminine role in life. The outcome of each story is different in the way each dealt with the struggles of oppression, was worthwhile to turn my hand over for anything (Gillian 412). Elses story the a Joy that kills(Chopin 245). Elses main character escaped behind the faded of All three stories involve a comfort zone of a sort; in Sailings her comfort zone became the yellow wallpaper, in Chopping it was the room and in Elses it was the ironing. They could do their thinking while in their zone and no one could control

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Writing a Good Business Essay

Writing a Good Business Essay Here is a short guideline on writing a business essay. For more information contact our writers, please. A Guideline on Writing a Business Essay 1. Analyze the subject. First, it will help you to define the topic and outline. Weve got a good article to help you pick essay topics effectively. Check it out Picking Essay Topics 2. Regardless the scope of the assigned topic, point out: The subject (general sphere of investigation) The limiting words (help you to narrow the subject) Direction words (guide your actions) 3. Plan your writing. 4. Prepare the outline. 5. Develop several perspective structures for presenting the main body of the business essay. After a while, choose the most appropriate and stick to it in the course of the essay. 6. Plan the macrostructure of the essay and then build up the microstructure of every paragraph. 7. Write a detailed outline, pointing out the keywords for each part of the business essay. 8. Write the first draft of the business essay. 9. Give a critical analysis of the assembled data. You must provide reasonable proof of your arguments and support it with the specific examples. In your essay, you must cover opinions for and against the presented argument. Make sure that the subject is discussed logically throughout the business essay. 10. Proofread for punctuation and spelling errors. Our proofreading services might be useful for you.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Cost Descriptions Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Cost Descriptions Paper - Essay Example However, the variable cost per unit is fixed for a specific level of production or cost. It will vary in total amount proportionately with some measures of business activity, like costs associated with power, maintenance, etc. Whereas Direct Cost are those cost which can be traced to a specific cost objective or costs which is easily traceable by per unit and allocated through cost centers. Like direct material, direct labor etc. Manufacturing Cost is the name of aggregate resources of direct material, direct labor and FOH which is allocated in manufacturing the product. Manufacturing costs are also referred to as production costs. Manufacturing cost also describes how much cost is incurred on each unit produced. By estimating the manufacturing cost, the management is able to value the units produced in a year, cost of goods sold and inventory, which ultimately, is reported in the income statement and balance sheet of the company. Manufacturing costs include all cost from acquisition of material to conversion into finished goods. Packing material, fuel expense, lubricants, depreciation on factory equipments, wages, repair and maintenance, all contribute to the manufacturing cost. Product Costs are those costs which are identifiable with the product either directly or indirectly. Product cost mainly consists of direct materials, direct labor, and factory overhead. ... Moreover, if the product is sold it is recorded as Cost of Goods Sold in the books of accounts and then COGS is matched against the revenue (matching principle) generated by selling the product. In short, product costs are those costs which are treated as inventory that is ready for sale. They are treated as assets until the products are sold (Garrison, 2004). All those cost which are not attributed to product cost are treated as Period Cost. Period cost is treated as expensed and directly reported to income statement in the period when they are incurred. Period cost are not debated over purchase or cost of goods manufactured. Period cost include all selling expenses, general and administration expenses, interest expense and income tax expense (Garrison, 2004). In short, Period costs are reported on the income statement separated from the cost of goods sold section. The period cost is deducted from gross profit. Period cost is not essentially the part of the manufacturing process so therefore period cost is not treated as a cost of inventory (Meigs et al, 1999). An Opportunity Cost means to get or select the benefit of one alternative by rejecting the other opportunity. It is the cost associated with the best forgone alternative. The opportunity costs is not present in the books of accounts but it is relevant and appropriate with respect to managerial decision making. Like if a students decides to attend summer school rather than accepting a job of making $500 a week, than the true cost of attending school is more than just books, meals, housing etc and the opportunity cost is $500. Sunk Costs are not relevant in decision making because these costs have been incurred and cannot be changed. Like in the oil exploration

NTT DoComo Case Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

NTT DoComo Case Analysis - Essay Example omoted, if we do decide to include eMoney payments in FeliCa phones, and whether credit card functionalities should be included, and if yes, the right business model. The major strengths and weaknesses against the various options have been evaluated. The analysis clearly points to the weight that needs to be attached to DoCoMo’s potential fist-mover advantage in offering contactless IC technology built into a mobile phone, and the fact that the key strengths of DoCoMo have been derived from innovative solutions offered in the telecommunications industry itself by DoCoMo leading to immense benefits, as exemplified by the innovative strategies employed while launching â€Å"i-mode† services back in 1999, and again in the revolutionary launch of 3G (FOMA) services in 2001. While the prime concerns are related to security in financial transactions, and the acceptability of separate readers by the merchant outlets, the proposed strategies address these concerns after careful analysis. The final recommendations strongly advocate diversification into financial services with the Mobile FeliCa offering, thus gaining first-mover advantage, a conscious strategy for striking alliances in both the eMoney space as well as the credit card space, capitalizing on the network effects. These will result in both additional revenue streams, as well as in pre-empting competition from tying up with the known leaders in the market. Thus a phased implementation plan has been recommended covering installation of Edy readers at 12,000 outlets in 6 months, immediate alliances with JR East and JCB for eMoney, and a proactive involvement in promoting a joint initiative for reader interoperability with bitWallet, JR East and JCB by end-2005. The recommendations also include DoCoMo’s own phone-based credit launch, targeted at upgrading the FOMA subscriber base, as well as non-exclusive partnerships with Visa, MasterCard and JCB. To address the security concern, it is recommended tha t DoCoMo

Friday, October 18, 2019

Heroism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Heroism - Essay Example The theme of heroism find its way in this film due to several factors that range from the courage of the documentary team and the wildlife manager who is Hans in this case. Critical observation of the film indicates that the troll is very harsh and beastly animals that are cannibals and can feed on people. After Hans has escaped the dragnet of three university college students, Thomas (Glenn Erland Tosterud), Johanna (Johanna MÃ ¸rck) and their cameraman Kalle (Tomas Alf Larsen).Despite the danger of being mauled by the dreaded trollers, they quietly follow Hans into the bush silently and when he realizes their unrelenting desire to do a documentary in this topic, he begins to avoid them (Found Footage Horror Films 56-7). It takes a hero to accept a mistake or admit a fact. After Hans has denied participation in bear attacks, the group pursues him into the bush where he later confesses that he is a troy. The concept of heroism can be seen from the relentless efforts of the students to the extent of submitting to Hans. In normal circumstance, it would be easy to note the reluctance or general withdrawal after considering the danger of these cannibals. Even after Hans has warned them that proclaiming Christianity would make the troll to sense danger they went on. Heroism is been to the last breath of the Christian when Thomas is attacked and bitten by a large animal and eventually dies. Although Hans admit being not a bear hunter and giving clear risks of the troll, the spirit of the students does not die (Kaklamanidou and Margaret 67-9). Although biting from the animals which mean other species of troll, they decided to proceed with the investigation. A twist of irony comes in when the camera holder get sick. The sickness he got must have been as a result of the bite he received previously. The troll had indicated infection of rabies and this is what killed one of the students before the next Muslim student. Even the

Argument Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2

Argument Analysis - Essay Example Botstein however claims that it is not the length of school days that affects the performance of the children rather; it is how the time in school is spent. He presented some statistics to point out his argument. The thesis of the article is that the solution to the improvement of the academic performance of the school children in the US is not the lengthening of the time spent in school but rather, an analysis of how the time in school is spent. Botstein’s article is targeted to every American citizen, particularly to the politicians who are moving for the extension of the number of school days. He also aims to target the parents of the school children to explain to them that it is not the number of school days that really matters. He is addressing the parents to probably put some pressure on the politicians to extensively study their proposal before making it into a law. Botstein is trying to convince his readers to believe his argument through the use of the logical appeal to prove his point. He supports his argument by comparing the number of school days in the other countries that outperforms the US’ school children. Botstein indicated that some countries have longer school days, others have less school days while others have the same school days as in the US but it was not what really mattered. What are essential are the instruction hours that are dedicated in key areas such as mathematics, science, history and literature. He mentioned that American high school students spend only 41 per cent of their time in school studying these subject areas unlike the Japanese and the French (Botstein 1). Botstein used analogy to prove his point. Another issue which Botstein identified as the reason for the poorer performance of the US school children compared with other countries is the issue on who is doing the teaching. To prove his point he presented the results of the 1996 survey of the Education

Thursday, October 17, 2019

The Veil and Muslim Womens Behavior Research Paper

The Veil and Muslim Womens Behavior - Research Paper Example The way Muslim women dress is strongly influenced by religious rules. The fundamental principle can be found in the Quran, which prescribes dress requirements for both men and women. This is important because the Islamic text functions as the code of ethics of Islamic societies and that it, certainly, is the basis of the norms by which Muslims live by. Therefore, while the text merely advises, they were closely followed across the Islamic world. Sura 24, 31-32, specifically prescribes the use of adornments for women. To quote:They shall not reveal any parts of their bodies, except that which necessary. They shall cover their chests, and shall not relax this code in the presence of their husbands, their fathers, the fathers of their husbands, their sons, their brothers, the sons of their brothers, other women, the male servants or employees whose sexual drive has been nullified, or the children who have not reached puberty (Sura 24:31).The above text has different interpretations from different Islamic communities. However, it set the standards by which women dress themselves by explicitly stating the rationale behind the rule. This is the reason why women in Muslim countries wore the veil. This piece of clothing depicts all that this paper is interested about. Its usage is typified by several cultural connotations that is why it influences the way women behave and act.The veil or hijab is the answer to the requirement of covering women’s body up to an acceptable degree.... This piece of clothing depicts all that this paper is interested about. Its usage is typified by several cultural connotations that is why it influences the way women behave and act. The Veil The veil or hijab is the answer to the requirement of covering women’s body up to an acceptable degree. This latter element to the rule gave Sura 24: 31 slightly different interpretations across the Muslim world, which resulted to the variations in how the veil is worn. But the fact remains that the veil became a cultural tool to depict and enforce what is considered ideal behavior in women. Numerous scholars have explained this theme and one may be sure that several interpretations were also posited. Gabriel cited some of the most important of these. He cited to important schools. The first is the Islamic perspective wherein women are being protected and supposedly â€Å"liberated† because the veil allows them to determine and be reminded of the importance of certain ideal behavio r such as piety, honor, modesty and the concept of guarding morality (4). This is the ideal principle as espoused by the core Islamic belief system on women. Many Islamic women choose to wear the veil on their own accord. In a survey, for example, it was found that 9 out of 10 women in all age groups in Egypt, Indonesia, Malaysia and Pakistan approved of the Islamic dress code norm (Hassan 191). The other school explains that the veil became a tool for Islamic communities to isolate women and restrict them from participating in the public sphere. Both of these schools have valid arguments, but what is significant is the way they both highlight how the veil can impact behavior through the sheer symbolisms and norms it represents. Taking the view of the Islamic scholars, the veil

Frankfurts Distinction between Bullshitting and Lying Essay

Frankfurts Distinction between Bullshitting and Lying - Essay Example Bullshit is one of the most salient features in our culture. Everyone knows and contributes to it but takes the situation for granted. The majority of people are confident in their ability to recognize bullshit and avoid being caught up in it (Frankfurt, 2005, p. 21). This phenomenon has not raised much inquiry so people fail to understand what it is, why it there or what functions it serves. We lack a conscious appreciation of its relevance to us. Frankfurt analyses three categories of dishonesty which are weaker from plain lies but not less harmful in distorting knowledge in a common setting. A lie is the utterance of statement from a speaker which he clearly knows not to be true. In our social life, it very common for people to make statement or talk of things they have no proper knowledge of. It usually out of curiosity or to appear knowledgeable even when one is not. This is termed as bullshit since one has no knowledge of correct information. With lies there is a negative relat ion to the truth whereas bullshit there is no connection of what the speaker says with the truth ... everyone is expected to be abreast with the current social and political issues even when one lacks time to be correctly informed on all important aspects. Most people make a living in professionals that target at generating, processing and providing data. Examples of this are lawyers, financial analysts, business consultant, journalists and scientist (Frankfurt, 2005, p. 22). In these professionals one is expected to be knowledgeable even in situations when he or she is not. When one simply fails to admit lack of knowledge, bullshit is generated. The third form of bullshit is dishonesty. The hearer is provided with correct information which one can use to make an incorrect inference. For example one can wish to persuade a friend to come for the weekend by claiming the newspaper predicts fine weather even though one knows weather forecast is reputably unreliable. The newspaper predicts good weather but telling a friend this information one makes an inference to what is untrue that th e weekend weather will most likely be fine. Deception is a form of dishonesty that one applies while talking the truth. Deception depends on monotonic reasoning where one provides information while withholding some to lead someone into the wrong conclusion. For example if someone says tweety is a bird not including it a penguin we inference it can fly while it cannot (Frankfurt, 2005, p. 22). Withholding information in a classical formalism leads to missing inferences whereas non-monotonic formalism results to wrong inferences. With deception, one uses the non-monotonic inference capabilities of another individual to implant wrong ideas without lying to him. In knowledge and argumentation, the possession of knowledge is a double fact. One has either information about a preposition or not

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

The Veil and Muslim Womens Behavior Research Paper

The Veil and Muslim Womens Behavior - Research Paper Example The way Muslim women dress is strongly influenced by religious rules. The fundamental principle can be found in the Quran, which prescribes dress requirements for both men and women. This is important because the Islamic text functions as the code of ethics of Islamic societies and that it, certainly, is the basis of the norms by which Muslims live by. Therefore, while the text merely advises, they were closely followed across the Islamic world. Sura 24, 31-32, specifically prescribes the use of adornments for women. To quote:They shall not reveal any parts of their bodies, except that which necessary. They shall cover their chests, and shall not relax this code in the presence of their husbands, their fathers, the fathers of their husbands, their sons, their brothers, the sons of their brothers, other women, the male servants or employees whose sexual drive has been nullified, or the children who have not reached puberty (Sura 24:31).The above text has different interpretations from different Islamic communities. However, it set the standards by which women dress themselves by explicitly stating the rationale behind the rule. This is the reason why women in Muslim countries wore the veil. This piece of clothing depicts all that this paper is interested about. Its usage is typified by several cultural connotations that is why it influences the way women behave and act.The veil or hijab is the answer to the requirement of covering women’s body up to an acceptable degree.... This piece of clothing depicts all that this paper is interested about. Its usage is typified by several cultural connotations that is why it influences the way women behave and act. The Veil The veil or hijab is the answer to the requirement of covering women’s body up to an acceptable degree. This latter element to the rule gave Sura 24: 31 slightly different interpretations across the Muslim world, which resulted to the variations in how the veil is worn. But the fact remains that the veil became a cultural tool to depict and enforce what is considered ideal behavior in women. Numerous scholars have explained this theme and one may be sure that several interpretations were also posited. Gabriel cited some of the most important of these. He cited to important schools. The first is the Islamic perspective wherein women are being protected and supposedly â€Å"liberated† because the veil allows them to determine and be reminded of the importance of certain ideal behavio r such as piety, honor, modesty and the concept of guarding morality (4). This is the ideal principle as espoused by the core Islamic belief system on women. Many Islamic women choose to wear the veil on their own accord. In a survey, for example, it was found that 9 out of 10 women in all age groups in Egypt, Indonesia, Malaysia and Pakistan approved of the Islamic dress code norm (Hassan 191). The other school explains that the veil became a tool for Islamic communities to isolate women and restrict them from participating in the public sphere. Both of these schools have valid arguments, but what is significant is the way they both highlight how the veil can impact behavior through the sheer symbolisms and norms it represents. Taking the view of the Islamic scholars, the veil

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

What is the definition of ethics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

What is the definition of ethics - Essay Example Ethics in the modern world today are followed by each and every organization, and special programs are held to implement them. People around the world have become more aware of the ethics and they try to purchase goods that are according to the ethical implementations. As people tend to buy products that are ethically produced it has become a necessity for the organizations to promote ethics in their working environment and make sure that their products are according to ethics. Value is an aspect that explains the beliefs of a culture or an individual. A defined set of values that may be situated into the idea of values. Values are thought of as personal and differ across cultures and people. There are 4 types of values namely ethical values, social values, ideological (political, religious) values, and aesthetic values. It is argued that some values are inborn. A moral is considered to be a lesson to be learned or a message to be conveyed from an event or a story. The moral of the story can be left on the reader or viewer to decide themselves but sometimes the moral is also written at the end of the story. Belief is the state of a mind when a person is convinced of the truth of a scheme. Like the similar or related aspects knowledge, truth, and wisdom, there is no specific definition of belief accepted worldwide, but rather abundant theories and continued arguments about the concept belief.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Claire Danes Essay Example for Free

Claire Danes Essay To what extent do you agree with this point? I think Luhrmanns film version of Romeo Juliet brings Act 1 Scene 5 to life exceptionally well. His choice of setting, type of music, designs of costumes, and other film directions and language use portray the original Shakespeare version marvellously. Firstly, the scene and setting. Baz Luhrmann has chosen a brilliant location to house the party. The royal look to the Capulet mansion really shows off what life would have been for the people back in the day, especially people as rich and alike in dignity as the Capulets. It is an enormous house, suggesting that life back then for the rich was very grand, and I believe Luhrmann brings this out brilliantly. There is also a very lively, upbeat atmosphere, stating that back in the olden days, people would like to loosen up and enjoy such divine occasions, with a lot going on. The fireworks, with an array of varying colours, being set off outside of the house also states the lively, celebratory, and happy atmosphere inside, in spite of Tybalt and Romeo being in the same house. The chirpy singing by Mercutio also vindicates my point. Secondly, Baz Luhrmanns use of music is very intricately chosen. At the very start of the party, we can clearly see Mercutio very lively and upbeat, dancing and singing along to a very apt, upbeat song, showing off the party atmosphere amongst everyone in the mansion. As we get further in into the play, we get a very slow, engaging piece of music played when Romeo and Juliet first meet (through a fish tank! ), whilst Luhrmann has decided to drain out the party atmosphere noises in the background. This slow, indulging, romantic music symbolises the first encounter of Romeo and Juliet. Luhrmann has effectively chosen this music, and this really brings out the romantic, love-at-first-sight feel to it all, and it makes us, the audience, engage into the film, and maybe even allows us to relate it to ourselves, as if we were there, within the action. The music seemed to be a bit Heavenly, where everything would be perfect between Romeo and Juliet, and it felt like love was in the air. Then, when the Nurse pulls Juliet away, the party atmosphere with people talking immediately comes back, making the audience divert the attention back onto the wider picture, but, more subtly, it makes us, as the very eager audience, want to know more about how Romeo and Juliet will pan out from there. At times, there is the slow, depressing music, when Juliet would look back at Romeo whilst being dragged away by the Nurse, and Romeo would hurry up to catch up with Juliet. On a more general note, we can all feel the anger then Tybalt finds out that Romeo is a Montague, with the more thunderous, down-to-Earth, music being played. Thirdly, another key aspect Luhrmann used to make this film so brilliant in my opinion is his choice of clothing. We can clearly get a feel of how grand the Capulets were. Lady Capulet wore a gold dress, showing how high in status she was. Capulet, likewise being so high in status, wore a plush purple robe at the formal event, showing that they were very rich and liked to flaunt what they had. Interestingly, Paris seemed to be wearing some sort of astronaut, spaceship costume. This might suggest that he was pretty smart, rich, high in status too, and quite proud of himself, as stereotypically, I see astronauts like that, as it is a very grand, albeit difficult, job to take on, and so Paris might have thought very fondly about himself. The wings on Juliets back might also suggest to us viewers that Juliet was the angelic, good-girl type of character, who would want everything to be right for herself. Romeos knight suit also caught my attention. Again stereotypically, I associate knights in shining armour as the sort of people who would always come to the rescue and save the day, and would woo people away.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

DJ Scratch Info :: essays research papers

Turntablism - The art of manipulating/restructuring previously existing phonograph recordings to produce new, musically creative combinations of sounds using turntables and a mixer. Hamster Style - Normally a DJ setup would be configured with the right turntable playing on the right channel of the mixer and the left turntable playing on the left channel of the mixer. With a hamster style setup, however, the opposite is true. The right turntable plays through the left channel, and the left turntable plays through the right channel. Many DJs find it more comfortable to scratch hamster style since to do many moves it is easier to bounce the fader off of the side of the fader slot using your multiple fingers rather than your thumb. Personally I think that hamster style seems more conducive to flaring and doing continuous crabs. DJ members of the Bullet Proof Scratch Hamsters/Space Travellers crew are most commonly recognized as the first DJs to practice/demonstrate this style thus giving it the nickname "hamster" style. There are two ways to achieve this mixer configuration. One is to physically hook your turntables up to the opposite channels where they c ome into the back of your mixer, and the other is with a hamster switch. Normally a hamster switch only reverses your crossfader's configuration, while physically reversing your turntable cables reverses the crossfader and volume faders' configuration. Hamster Switch - A switch on a mixer that reverses the crossfader without reversing the volume faders so that you can scratch hamster style without physically hooking up the turntables to different channels on the back of the mixer. Baby Scratch - The simplest of scratches, the baby scratch is performed without the use of the crossfader by simple moving the record back and forth. A simple example would be one forward stroke, and one backward stroke (or vice versa) in sequence. Forward and Backward Scratches - Forward and backward scratches are also fairly simple scratches but unlike the baby scratch they are performed using the fader to cut the sound in and out. As an example, to perform 2 forward scratches you would just do two baby scratches with your record hand using your fader hand to cut the sound in when you move the record forward both times and out while you're pulling the record back both times so that all you hear are the 2 forward strokes.

Friday, October 11, 2019

How These Bible Verses Affect Me

The Bible is a written collection of scriptures with divine inspiration to be lead and guided by the Holy Spirit. I can say that these Sacred Scriptures of God are representation of our life. â€Å"Death and life are In the power of the tongue: and they that love It shall eat the fruit thereof. † Proverbs 18:21 Every word that comes out from our mouth is powerful enough to make an impact on our life. In my own experience, I have witnessed the agony and the pain that pinches my heart every time others utter vile words without considering my feelings.Deep inside, dejection and sadness swallow up my entire being alive. Sure, jokes are funny, but there are times that they have completely crossed the line. From then on, I told myself, ‘l must stand up and fight for myself. ‘ That is why every time see people bullied by others; I was like glaring at my own reflection. I know what they feel. Ergo, I should help and reach out my hand for them. Whilst on the other hand, I r ealized that I myself too should also be mindful and watchful of the words I say, for my actions, words, and deeds will come back to me.They will reflect on my personality and will describe who I really am. As stated In the Golden Rule: â€Å"Do not do unto other hat you don't want others do unto you†. â€Å"For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord. † Romans 8:38-39 As I venture my Journey, my life, obstacles keep on blocking my way.As I step farther, hurdles and trials hinder me from going to the right path. Along my way, I may often trip and even fall flat onto the ground; but I never give up, hence continuing what I ought to be. Life Is a coin with its two sides–pleasure and pain. Only one can become visible at a time. However, remember, the other side has its turn. Problems may arouse, as well as sorrow and frustration may ramp on your elite.On the other hand, I believe that even In the darkest nights of my life, there Is always the brighter side that will help me seek for hope and give me the strength to persevere and overcome all of these. Nevertheless, they would not be possible without the presence of the love of God in Jesus Christ, our Lord. His unconditional love gives me strength, wisdom, hope, and the spirit to surpass all these hindrances that comes beneath me. My elite, bounded by in his spirit, is always present in our midst, thus, will never separate me from Him.He is the savior that will guide and save me from being lost. These two verses, analogous to what I experienced and learned, gave a huge impact in my life. I should respect the people around me and should treat each other equally. If you ask me, one should never hurt others; and never say words that will offend them. God is always there for me, guiding, helping and never leaving my side. No one can separate me from God, for being with Him is my destiny and that will be my way towards salvation.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

The Last Samurai

1) Japan. The end of XIX  century,  Capt. Nathan  Algren(main character), an American  military officer  hired by  the Emperor of Japan  to train  the country's  first army  of the rising sun  to contemporary art  of warfare. The Emperor  is trying to  eradicate the  ancient  Imperial  warrior  class  of samurai, in preparation for  a more  pro-Western  government policies  supporting  foreign trade. Meanwhile,  as a result of  collisions with the  samurai,  Algren  finds himself in the center of  the confrontation  of two worlds and  civilizations,  where  the only way to  survive  is  guided by  its own  concept  of honor. ) Nathan Algren: What do you want? Katsumoto: To know my enemy. Nathan Algren: I've seen what you do to your enemies. Katsumoto: Warriors in your country do not kill? Nathan Algren: They don't cut the heads off defeated, kneeling men. Katsumoto: General Hasegawa asked me to help him e nd his life. A samurai cannot stand the shame of defeat. I was honored to cut off his head. Katsumoto: And who was your general? Nathan Algren: Don't you have a rebellion to lead? Katsumoto: People in your country do not like conversation? Nathan Algren: He was a  lieutenant colonel.His name was  Custer. Katsumoto: I know this name. He killed many warriors. Nathan Algren: Oh, yes. Many warriors. Katsumoto: So he was a good general. Nathan Algren: No. He wasn't a good general. He was arrogant and foolhardy. And he got massacred because he took a single battalion against two thousand angry Indians. Katsumoto: Two thousand Indians? How many men for Custer? Nathan Algren: Two hundred and eleven. Katsumoto: I like this General Custer. Nathan Algren: He was a murderer who fell in love with his own legend. And his troopers died for it.Katsumoto: I think this is a very good death. Nathan Algren: Well, maybe you can have one just like it someday. 3) Differences  between the two culture s  of these countries  are very strong  as we  can see in  the dialogue, Nathan Algren  protagonist  does not understand  what Katsumoto,  the rebel leader  says,  but  only in  the beginning and  at the end of  the film  author  quite  clearly shows  how Englishman understood the ancient culture of  Japan. In this film  the best  scenes  is a  heroic  death,  let's say,  three hundred  Japanese who encountered  by continuous  fire from the  guns and  howitzers.Here  we are talking about  personal  valor and military honor,  above all,  including –  devotion to  their ruler  or  lord. The human  personality, which remains independent and free, even in  the moment of death,  when  made   a conscious choice  between  fame and infamy,  is  the main measure of  value. And this,  director  showed  the viewers by  eyes  of the protagonist,  a foreigner. The fact that he   has mastered the  culture which he didn’t know at all   and  in the end  decided to be  for it. 4) Finally, I want to say that the main principle of survival in the harsh environment of foreign life is adaptation.And I chose this film because there are clearly shown and gradually as the main character throughout the film get used to the Japanese environment. The protagonist, taken prisoner by samurai, gradually turns into a samurai. Contemplation of people indifferent to his own death, talks with rebel leader Katsumoto (Ken Watanabe), stating that the person who saw the perfect shape of a flower, has lived a life not in vain, a clear rhythm and strict rest of life around make from American captain a new man.He understands why his former enemies’ absolute hero – not the one who kept the army and strategic positions, but the one who led a detachment of 211 troops against the two thousandth. And he understands why Katsumoto smiles happily when he hear d that all 300 soldiers were killed Spartan  at Thermopylae; he understands why widow of killed by him Samurai nursed him after being wounded – killed for a fair fight can not be an enemy. And, realizing this, Olgren wears the captain samurai armor, stands in order of their recent opponents and comes with a sword against guns and howitzers.Predetermined outcome of the battle, but it absolutely does not matter: death – only worthy end of life as a single ceremony of honor. Therefore, before the final battle, the protagonist offers a simple truth, which requires a long way to me: fate can not be change or submit- the fate amenable to recognition only. University of International Business and Economics The Last Samurai Intercultural communication Student: Farrukh Khamraev ID: IUP2010070 Date: November 29,2011 Beijing, 2011

PhD program Essay

I would like to present my personal statement for consideration for a PhD program at the highly esteemed Brunel University. The Uk is home to the world’s leading universities and is characterized by diversify, tradition, a blend of tradition and sophistication and immense economic advantages. Studying in the Uk will make e competitive and will have a global edge over students from other countries. I choose to pursue the PhD course so as to attain further qualification in my area of expertise s I will exhibit higher competence and knowledge levels. The world is rapidly changing with individual being required to be specialists in their areas of expertise. Specialization means that distinct tasks are assigned to specific individuals. This creates a sense of responsibility and accountability thus increasing staff productivity. It will also improve my career prospects and eventually lead to my qualification for pay. I believe this is a natural human instinct to want to do better socially and is part of the self-actualization process. A postgraduate qualification will present me with the knowledge of improving efficiency in educational planning and administration. There is a lot of debate surrounding the investment in education, with eyebrows being raised on the commitment of educators to the process. It is without a doubt that educators play a central role in any integrated education system and have a powerful impact on the success of students. This is illustrated by comparison of performance of students in institution of varying quality. I choose Brunel University because it has been renowned for over forty years as a center of quality and a leader in education in terms of teaching and research. Brunel lays emphasis ion the development of life skill such as communication, which enables its students to have interpersonal skills that render them successful within personal and professional circles. This is also encourages through the rare quality of student and staff interaction. The fact that Brunel has only one campus encourages interaction and socialization of its diverse student population. This demonstrates its commitment to the development of human values. Brunel University has a reputable academic resource facility that is constantly being updated with the latest resources so as to ensure that its student fraternity is in step with the rest of the world. Technology has also been integrated into the system, as Brunel is aware of the importance of technology to education. For the postgraduate students, Brunel has an especially specially designee program that is customized to suit their individual needs. The fact that research is at the very center of Brunel’s educational approach is very attractive to me. Brunel offers the opportunity for supported research by offering the PhD students two supervisors to assist them through out their program by monitoring and assessing their progress. This assists the students to stay on track and to be able to finish their program in good time. I love my work as a teacher and failure to do so would only spell disaster for my students. I am a very humble, affectionate and pleasant person with a deep sense of commitment, devotion and loyalty to my work and my students. I have excellent organization, leadership and time management skill with an ability to multitask and prioritize competing and demanding deadlines. I am capable of working as an individual or as part of a team. I hope that you will consider me favorably and give me the opportunity to be a part of the Brunel community.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Terrorism Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Terrorism - Research Paper Example d political fractions), motivation is based upon global jihad, its goals are based on political and religious supremacy of Islam, threat is related to the rapid spread of religious fundamentalism and terrorism, and anti-terrorism policies can save Somalia from the negative influence of this terrorist organization. First of all, the origin of the jihadist group, named as Al-Shabaab, is indebted to the military aims of political Islam in Somalia. To be specific, Al-Shabaab originated as a military subsidiary of the Islamic Courts Union or ICU. When the ICU lost influence and support during its clash with Transitional Federal Government in Somalia (TFG), Al-Shabaab gained momentum and began to exert its influence in Africa. Besides, this terrorist organization was formed in the year 2006. One can see that the origin of this terrorist group is deeply rooted in the Islamic concept of jihad. For instance, the masterminds behind the origin of this terrorist group served in Afghanistan during late 70s. Hansen (2013) states that, â€Å"A proper exploration of the history of Al-Shabaab should start with the origins of this network, which are amongst the Somalis travelling to Afghanistan in the wake of the Soviet intervention, during the Afghan war of 1979-89† (pp.19-20). To be specific, those wh o (say, Somalis) served during this time returned to Somalia and helped the ICU while fighting against the TFG. The defeat of ICU by the TFG resulted in the fragmentation of ICU into different groups. During this time, Al-Shabaab (say, one among these fragmented groups) declared its aim, i.e., the leadership of jihadists in Africa or the fight against the foes of political Islam. One can see that Al-Shabaab amalgamated the idea of political Islam to the core of religious fundamentalism. To be specific, the leaders of this jihadist group gained the confidence of the mass by proclaiming their ultimate aim, the superiority of religion beyond the government. As pointed out, Al-Shabaab