Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Critique of a Journal Acticle on Organizational Leadership Article

Critique of a Journal Acticle on Organizational Leadership - Article Example Owing to the importance of the impact of leadership on performance of the organization, several research studies have been conducted in order to analyze whether there is a relationship between charismatic leadership and the organizational performance. This report presents the critique of one of the such article on the relationship among leadership and organizations performance. The title of the article is â€Å"Does CEO charisma matter? An empirical analysis of the relationships among organizational performance, environmental uncertainty, and top management team perceptions of CEO charisma†. Summary of the article: The article selected for this report is written by Agle, Nagarajan, Sonnenfeld and Srinivasan (2006) and the research study analyzes the organizational performance and identifies relationship with the charismatic style of leaders as well as environmental uncertainty. In addition to this, the research also identifies the relationship between the perception of top tea m management about the charisma of CEO. Leadership style and the organizational performance has been one of the most important topics of today’s world as leaders have an important role to play in motivating everyone in the organization and ensuring that the organization performs at its optimum level. In this research article, information has been collected using both primary as well as secondary research methods in order to perform the analysis. In primary research, questionnaires were filled by people in the top management as well as CEOs of different organizations to analyze the relationship between the variables discussed above. Because the article had a larger sample size, 770 questionnaires were filled and returned therefore the results shown by this research would have a more reliable relationship. Strengths of the article: One of the major strengths of this research study is that data has been collected using larger sample size, as well as more respondents from each or ganization; therefore the research study would give better and more authentic results because of less susceptibility in comparison to other research study conducted on similar topics. 128 of the CEOs were included in the research which is a major strength as the data has been collected using different organizations. Both primary and secondary sources of data collection method have been used. The response rate of this article was the highest in comparison to other research studies that have been conducted on similar topics. Another major strength of this article is that the study analyzed the organizational performance using different criteria like Return on assets, return on equity, sales growth, return on sales and stock return which would reflect better organizational performance whereas other studies previously conducted have not considered these criteria of measuring organizational performance. Weaknesses of the article: One of the major weaknesses of this research study is that it included only firms operating in the United States therefore the results from other parts of the world may have a different result because of differences in organizational culture, organizational procedure and policies etc. For the purpose of data collection method, small firms have not been included so the results might not reflect relationship betw

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