Friday, October 11, 2019

How These Bible Verses Affect Me

The Bible is a written collection of scriptures with divine inspiration to be lead and guided by the Holy Spirit. I can say that these Sacred Scriptures of God are representation of our life. â€Å"Death and life are In the power of the tongue: and they that love It shall eat the fruit thereof. † Proverbs 18:21 Every word that comes out from our mouth is powerful enough to make an impact on our life. In my own experience, I have witnessed the agony and the pain that pinches my heart every time others utter vile words without considering my feelings.Deep inside, dejection and sadness swallow up my entire being alive. Sure, jokes are funny, but there are times that they have completely crossed the line. From then on, I told myself, ‘l must stand up and fight for myself. ‘ That is why every time see people bullied by others; I was like glaring at my own reflection. I know what they feel. Ergo, I should help and reach out my hand for them. Whilst on the other hand, I r ealized that I myself too should also be mindful and watchful of the words I say, for my actions, words, and deeds will come back to me.They will reflect on my personality and will describe who I really am. As stated In the Golden Rule: â€Å"Do not do unto other hat you don't want others do unto you†. â€Å"For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord. † Romans 8:38-39 As I venture my Journey, my life, obstacles keep on blocking my way.As I step farther, hurdles and trials hinder me from going to the right path. Along my way, I may often trip and even fall flat onto the ground; but I never give up, hence continuing what I ought to be. Life Is a coin with its two sides–pleasure and pain. Only one can become visible at a time. However, remember, the other side has its turn. Problems may arouse, as well as sorrow and frustration may ramp on your elite.On the other hand, I believe that even In the darkest nights of my life, there Is always the brighter side that will help me seek for hope and give me the strength to persevere and overcome all of these. Nevertheless, they would not be possible without the presence of the love of God in Jesus Christ, our Lord. His unconditional love gives me strength, wisdom, hope, and the spirit to surpass all these hindrances that comes beneath me. My elite, bounded by in his spirit, is always present in our midst, thus, will never separate me from Him.He is the savior that will guide and save me from being lost. These two verses, analogous to what I experienced and learned, gave a huge impact in my life. I should respect the people around me and should treat each other equally. If you ask me, one should never hurt others; and never say words that will offend them. God is always there for me, guiding, helping and never leaving my side. No one can separate me from God, for being with Him is my destiny and that will be my way towards salvation.

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